Minimum Duration : One year.
- 線上業務推廣會員(Online Business Promotion):原價600 USD ,優惠後500 USD.
- 數位基本會員(Digital Business Solution):原價1000 USD ,優惠後800 USD.
- 一般會員(Normal Package)) 原價1200 USD ,優惠後1000 USD.
- 銀級會員(Silver Package)) 原價1500 USD ,優惠後1200 USD.
- 金級會員(Gold Package)) 原價2000 USD ,優惠後1600 USD.
, including advance SEO promotion complimentary free .

Tradeindia(印度最大的 B2B 商業中心)已成立28 年,包含眾多公司資訊與2,218 個不同的產品類別及產品目錄。平均每月 2930 萬次點擊,目前註冊用戶數為 560 萬(製造商、進口商、出口商、賣家、買家& 服務供應商)
製造商與供應商 :
Buy Leads :
Distributors/ Franchises search :
- 接收來自全球買家的詢價,您也可以使用自己的帳號向會員買家發送詢價。
- 在Google、Yahoo、MSN / Bing等主要搜索引擎上進行SEO推廣(根據會員/訂閱方案)
- 國際貿易展/展覽推廣(印度境內和國外)
- 在 站內展示您的關鍵字廣告,使買家可以輕鬆與您聯繫。
- Dial B2B inquiries (91-11-43364336):我們會將買家的查詢/要求直接轉寄給您的公司。我們會介紹您的公司給從我們這邊接收到的潛在買家們。
- 線上產品目錄 -通過主頁、公司簡介、產品展示間(無限制的產品圖片、產品描述/規格展示)和聯繫方式來突顯您的公司。
- 貴公司的客製化域名。
- IP 地址服務 – 您會獲得Tradeindia.com上每個詢價發件人的 IP 地址。
Features of Online Catalog – Advantages and Benefits |
Sr.No. |
功能 |
優點 |
好處 |
1 |
範本Templates |
靈活、易於更新、一致性的網頁 |
吸引造訪者瀏覽您的網頁,上千種設計的範本供挑選 |
2 |
詢價欄 Static Inquiry Box |
幫助潛在買家發送詢價,因為它會出現在用戶滾動頁面的任何地方 |
允許隨時在任何頁面上根據客戶的意願發送詢價 |
3 |
產品圖片浮水印 |
保護圖像未經授權下被複製與盜用 |
提醒用戶圖像屬於誰,並在產品圖片上顯示您的姓名或訊息,有助於被辨認 |
4 |
禁止右鍵點擊產品圖片 |
幫助客戶減少產品圖片易獲得度 |
有助於保持產品圖像的獨特性並防止被複製 |
5 |
內部搜索欄 |
如今的網站比以往複雜的多。買家透過搜尋了解產品內容與更多訊息 |
節省潛在買家搜索所需產品的時間和精力 |
6 |
發送簡訊/詢價按鈕 |
高轉化率,買家和賣家可以即時地相互交流 |
7 |
試用免費通話 |
為優質買家提供最便捷的溝通方式,展現服務熱情 |
加速買賣雙方初次瞭解對方,減少發送詢價和等待回覆所花費的時間和精力 |
8 |
社群網路 |
提供了連結網站的新形式 |
這些網站可以免費使用,讓您無需付費即可與潛在買家直接聯繫 |
9 |
最新的sell trade offers |
快速瀏覽潛在買家的最新offer |
向潛在買家提供有關折扣產品或任何其他產品的想法 |
10 |
最受歡迎的產品 |
在產品目錄的主頁上突出最新和最受歡迎的產品 |
讓買家清楚了解最新推出的或熱門產品 |
11 |
在特定類別/私人類別的頂部顯示最新的目錄產品 |
向用戶提供有關特定類別或私人類別中最新產品 |
12 |
產品展示按鈕 |
此按鈕有助於客戶一次查看所有產品 |
幫助買家查看所有產品圖片和詳細資料,同時可以發送詢價 |
which place your company visibility in the first page.By getting visible in the first page it increases the chances of getting good flow of inquiries from our side.This service put your company as a Top Most Exporter/manufacturer/supplier of the booked keyword. After having this service your company will become first choice of the buyers to deal with and to send the inquiries .With this service your company will be top and able to grab the more attention of the buyer with its outstanding presentation.
Benefits of being a top supplier .
1) A potential buyer do not like to go on bottom pages , so he deal with the company coming on first rank .
2) A potential buyer find the top rank supplier and company more reliable as compared to the bottom rank companies .
3) A potential buyer like to give business in bulk quantity to the top rank supplier and not showing less trust to the bottom rank supplier .
4) A potential buyer giving genuine order to the to rank suppliers and forward only general inquires to the less rank supplier .
Few primary advantages of Sponsored link are:
1) Appears on top in search results as it is keyword based. As we all know search is one of the primary option used by buyers in finding suppliers, so its appearance on top of the listings will help advertiser in grabbing the attention of the users looking to reach out.
2) Sponsored link will appear from different search platforms named below of Trade India to give user maximum visibility on top of search results
3)With your top product keyword your company rank will always be fixed,through out the year it doesn't matter on which page the buyer is searching, they will always find you on the top and as you are aware that to be on the top has its own benefits, all the buyers either it is the potential one or the general one will always going to find you on the top and will give preference to send the inquiry to your company because of its visibility on the top and also because of the top trusted supplier in the product category,
4)Once these keywords will be activated all the inquiries which you will receive in your account first will be monitored by our team that either it is relevant to your product or not and the quantity of the order they are asking is matching your criterion or not and also our team will verify its product category as well for which he is looking for and once all the things will get verified about the inquiry of buyer only then it will be forwarded it to you else we will not send any of the inquiry which is not related to your products and also doesn't matching your criterion.and I can assured you these inquiries would be the genuine and the functioning as well because of the verification process so automatically the possibilities of getting the business from these buyer.
It is an exclusive paid service offered by Trade India for its advertisers. Trust Stamp is the business imprint of a company's authenticity and reliability. In short, it verifies the various details like records of existence, credibility and trustworthiness of companies. A company with trust stamp gets a strong standing in the market over its competitors. To get a Trust Stamp, a member has to go through a complete verification procedure, which displays with the company listing on Trade It indicates your profile on Trade is authentic & verified) and promotion can be done in all categories.
Benefits of Trust Stamp:
For Sellers
»Gives instant credible information of the company.
»Offers high chances to receive inquiries from buyers.
»Provides buyers with extra confidence in dealing with Trust Stamp suppliers.
For Buyers
»Provides transparency regarding the genuineness of potential trading partners.
»Provides exhaustive details of the sellers.
»Reduces risk of Fraud
»Ensures smooth business transactions which are Reliable, Cost Effective & Time Saving.
Benefits for Mobile Responsive website :
Mobile sites are designed for the small screen, with the needs of mobile users in mind. A mobile-friendly site can help your business connect with customers and increase sales, but a bad mobile experience can drive your customers to your competition. Mobile compatible website also helps to bring your company on top in mobile searches and it makes your website a user friendly and increase the website visitors . Since your website can serve in both way mobile version and desktop version .
- It can fit to any device like mobile, tablet, PC, laptop etc.
- Attractive Presentation according to the device
- Maximum chances to come on Search engines like Google, yahoo, AOL etc.
- It will attract the maximum viewers and visits at your website .
- It will enhance the visibility and make your site easily accessible by a customer .
following stats clearly signal to the fact that the coming years will be big for mobile Internet marketing.
- Mobile phone and internet revolutions.
- Around 137 million currently using the World Wide Web.
- 94% of smart-phone users have used their smart device to access Internet from their phone
Social Media Optimization (SMO):
We will promote your company in all the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, You tube, Linked In, Google+ etc. Since,social networking sites have wider reach among mass number of people so once your company will be promoted on these networking sites,it will create a brand name of your company among your customers.
Search engine optimization (SEO) : Promotion on all the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. with your product keywords
Major Benefits for Seo optimized and responsive mobile version website
- Increased Traffic - Top positions on the search engine result pages receive a majority of the impressions and clicks, so ranking in these top positions can result in significant traffic increases for your website. SEO also focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions
- Cost effectiveness - SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies because it targets users who are actively looking for your products and services online. SEO's inbound nature helps businesses save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold-calling. While cold-calling can still be an effective strategy, the leads generated cost 61% more than leads generated by an inbound strategy like SEO. And since SEO also targets users who are actively searching for products and services like yours, the traffic resulting from SEO is more qualified than many other marketing strategies, resulting in cost-savings for companies.
- Increased site usability – In an effort to make your website easier to navigate for the search engines, SEO simultaneously helps to make your website more navigable for users as well. SEO consists of rearranging the site's architecture and links to make pages within the website easier to find and navigate.
- Brand Awareness - Since top position rankings result in significant impressions, having your website in these top positions on the result pages translates to more exposure for your website. Plus, being on the first page for your targeted keywords not only helps users to associate your brand with those keywords, but it instills trust, since companies on the first page are generally perceived to be more trustworthy. The more your pages and content rank in high positions in the search engines, the more chances you have for users to see your content and associate with your brand.
Language Converter : To beat the competition and creating contact with international clients this service is needed. To cater the need and demand of from international market this has been generated so buyer can read all the information in 10 international languages.
Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Portuguese, English.
A favicon or Favourites Icon is a small graphic that is associated with a page or Web site. The favicon allows the Web developer to customize the site in the Web browser, both in the tab bar that is displayed in many browsers as well as in the bookmarks when a site is saved.
It was named the favicon because it was first developed in Internet Explorer, which calls bookmarked sites "favourites" and this icon was displayed in the favorites menu.
Most site favicons are designed as a small rendition of their logo or other branding mechanism.
Trial call me free :
It is tradeindia's innovative feature, introduced for the benefit of global business community. Buyers searching your product can reach your catalog and can call you for free, without investing any money from there pocket, which will create a positive visualization of your company presence in buyers mind about the benefit you are providing to them, facilitating the sourcing of good with considerable ease and comfort. This feature appearing on your company profile indicate keenness towards business serving new quality buyers, with offering a most convenient mode of communication.
Premium header website benefits :
Search engine friendly - Our experts utilize industry standards and make your website search engines friendly to help to boost your site exposure in online market , Also helping your website to increase its every page ranking .
Focused on your customer - website will be customer friendly so at home page only , If any visitors can check which is your hot products / what is all about your company foundation in just one look .
Unlimited product space - You can upload as many as products details and images in your website .
Description with trade information you can upload - You can update your Minimum quantity order and other terms as well which each and every products visible on your website , which helps a buyer to understand your products each and every details.
Display Of Quality Certifications (name) in Listing: You can visible your company standard documents on your website to make your website presentation look more professional and authentic.