電話英文 收訊不良怎麼辦?
後疫情時代,電話或con-call越趨頻繁。要打給老外時電話拿起來卻猶豫老半天? Con-call到一半突然訊號差聽不到,不知如何啟齒? 要怎麼在收訊不良的情況下,能清楚表達並妥適處理技術性的問題,讓對話能順利轉移到另一個平台呢? 立刻報名,克服恐懼!
【上課平台】本中心專屬之eMaster線上課程學習平台 https://emaster.iti.org.tw
- ITI專任師資群。師資陣容:https://reurl.cc/e3AKLL
- Describing Technical Difficulties 收訊不良怎麼辦?
- The goal of this course is to learn the most common keywords and phrases used when we encounter technical difficulties during business calls. When a technical problem occurs, it is important to sound both natural and polite in order to show professionalism. Therefore, this course also focuses on the skill of buffering your speech on a phone call.
- 原價單堂800
- 團報(2至4人),單堂優惠720元
- 團報(5人以上),單堂優惠680元
- 原價單堂800,4堂課全報組合價2500元(現省700元!)
- https://events.taiwantrade.com/DLP2021TEL