後疫情時代,電話或con-call越趨頻繁。要打給老外時電話拿起來卻猶豫老半天? 明明全神貫注地對話,為什麼到最後彼此的資訊還是有落差? 讓eMaster教你在電話中精確傳達與接收訊息的技巧。立刻報名,克服恐懼!
- 1. Exchanging and Checking Information 如何精確交換資訊,不再有聽沒有懂!
- During telephone conversations, exchanging information can be tricky as we do not have the luxury of being able to see the person who’s speaking to us. This can make exchanging information a bit more difficult if not done properly. In this course, you will learn how to properly give clear and correct information on the telephone, and then check to clarify whether everything was heard correctly.
- 單堂800
- 團報2至4人,單堂優惠720元
- 團報5人以上,單堂優惠680元